A Love for the Ages

A Love for the Ages



by Alexandra Bracken

passage, n.
i. A brief section of music composed of a series of notes and flourishes.
ii. A journey by water; a voyage.
iii. The transition from one place to another, across space and time.

In one devastating night, violin prodigy Etta Spencer loses everything she knows and loves. Thrust into an unfamiliar world by a stranger with a dangerous agenda, Etta is certain of only one thing: she has traveled not just miles but years from home. And she’s inherited a legacy she knows nothing about from a family whose existence she’s never heard of. Until now.

Nicholas Carter is content with his life at sea, free from the Ironwoods—a powerful family in the colonies—and the servitude he’s known at their hands. But with the arrival of an unusual passenger on his ship comes the insistent pull of the past that he can’t escape and the family that won’t let him go so easily. Now the Ironwoods are searching for a stolen object of untold value, one they believe only Etta, Nicholas’ passenger, can find. In order to protect her, he must ensure she brings it back to them— whether she wants to or not.

Together, Etta and Nicholas embark on a perilous journey across centuries and continents, piecing together clues left behind by the traveler who will do anything to keep the object out of the Ironwoods’ grasp. But as they get closer to the truth of their search, and the deadly game the Ironwoods are play­ing, treacherous forces threaten to sep­arate Etta not only from Nicholas but from her path home . . . forever.

I don’t often read time-travel books but the cover and the synopsis were just too irresistible. Plus who doesn’t like adventure, romance, and cool ships?

Speaking of romance, this was much more of a love story than I’d anticipated. I mean it makes sense but the synopsis isn’t super mushy or anything, so I thought it be more of a time-travel adventure with a dash or devastating romance. Really it was more equal parts adventure and love, which was fine by me once I got into that mindset.

The characters and the storyline were fabulous. I loved them. The cast was wonderfully diverse. The supporting characters didn’t grab me as much as I’d hoped, but the main characters did not disappoint.

The plot was action packed and extremely engaging. It was well paced and I really had no complaints until I reached the end. Towards the end the plot lost a little bit of its energy and its grip on me. Despite having almost 500 pages to go through the beginning, climax, and reach the resolution, the ending gave hardly any solutions or answers and created a lot of questions. I wanted some loose ends to get me excited about the sequel and build some suspense, but unfortunately I felt like there was too much of that and not enough resolution so I was more disappointed than interested. What did I read all that for if I don’t even get to know how some of the main points worked out?

It was beautifully written though, the style was elegant and seemed to be made for telling fantastical tales. It built up an enchanting air of magic that resonated deeply with me. Without such amazing, dimensional writing, this story would not have been nearly as rich and riveting as it was. Alexandra Bracken sets a fantastic example for fantasy authors everywhere.

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March Love Stacks Giveaway

March Love Stacks Giveaway


The fantastic Love Stacks giveaway is back! Get excited and get entering!

Love Stacks giveaways are monthly giveaways hosted by me, using gently loved ARC copies provided by Liberty Bay Books. The giveaways are open to entries for the entire duration of the month, and it is possible for an individual to win multiple different months’ prizes. All winners are chosen randomly by Rafflecopter. Winners MUST BE U.S. RESIDENTS.


Winnings Include:

-One ARC copy of Ash and Bramble by Sarah Prineas
-One ARC copy of Julia Vanishes by Catherine Egan
-One ARC copy of Rebel of The Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blogger Award: Sisterhood of The World

Blogger Award: Sisterhood of The World


massive thank you to Selena @Life of a Random for the nomination!

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their website
2. Use the award logo on your post
3. Answer the 10 questions provided by the blogger who tagged you
4. Nominate 10 bloggers
5. Ask them 10 questions
                                                                          My Answers:
1. Who is your favorite Avenger? (or if you’re not into the Avengers then favorite superhero is fine)
Probably either Black Widow or Hawkeye. I have always had a fascination with archery and found them intriguing. Although, I’m not the biggest Avengers follower ever.
2. What do you do to get out of a reading slump?
Oh boy, I’m not very good at getting out of them to be honest. I am kind of a wallower.
3. What’s your favorite thing to do to relax?
Other than read? Lately I’ve found that taking a hot shower or bath and just thinking about nothing is pretty soothing, music is always a good option too.
4. What’s your favorite part of blog work? (writing posts, design, replying to comments, etc.) Why?
Replying to comments and doing things that involve interacting with other humans is by far the best part. I have so much fun meeting new people and learning new things from them.
5. Boots or sneakers?
I have more boots, but I feel like I actually prefer the comfort of sneakers.
6. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
I horde tickets from sporting events, dances, concerts, and special movies then hang them on my wall.
7. Do you have a secret talent? *wiggles eyebrows*
I don’t know about secret talents, but I can touch my tongue to my nose so I mean… 
8. What’s your favorite book of this month?
I haven’t gotten to read as much as I’d like this year so I’m going to cheat and say my favorite book of the year so far. First & Then by Emma Mills is it without a doubt. Pride and Prejudice and football, my two favorite things; how could I not love it?
9. Would you rather wash the dishes or clean your bedroom?
Wash dishes. My room is always such a mess that it would be a lot faster and way easier.
10. Blue ink or black ink pen?
 I love both but only if the blue is a very dark blue, if not then black all the way.
My Questions:
1. What is your favorite book based T.V. show or movie?
2. Do you write posts in the moment or way ahead of time?
3. Do you ever get overwhelmed by the size of your TBR pile or do you revel in it?
4. What post are you most proud of so far this year?
5. When you aren’t reading or blogging, what do you like to do?
6. Do you read books little by little, or all at once?
7. Do you have any blogging or reading rituals when starting a new post or book?
8. What genres do you gravitate toward the most and what ones do you avoid like the plague? 
9. How do you balance blogging and reading with the other things in your life?
10. What are three of your favorite posts by other bloggers that you’ve read in the past month or so?
My Nominees:
And anyone else that wants to! Seriously go for it, even if it feels weird to nominate yourself, it’s ok!
January Love Stacks Giveaway

January Love Stacks Giveaway


What better way to start off the new year than with a giveaway and some of my favorite books? I loved them so much that one of them even made it onto my top 5 reads of 2015 list.

If you’re new to my Love Stacks giveaways, here is a little bit about them: Love Stacks giveaways are monthly giveaways hosted by me, using gently loved ARC copies provided by Liberty Bay Books. The giveaways are open to entries for the entire duration of the month, and it is possible for an individual to win multiple different months’ prizes. All winners are chosen randomly by Rafflecopter. Winners MUST BE U.S. RESIDENTS.


Winnings Include:

Good luck and happy reading!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Stacking The Shelves

Stacking The Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature put on by Tynga’s Reviews. It allows bloggers to share what new books they’ve collected that particular week.

WIth the holidays and all, I have a decent stack to start the new year off right and I’m excited to dive in, and of course share all my thoughts.


Own: My sister and her boyfriend gave me that stunning copy of Moby Dick. I am excited to try it and step out of my reading comfort zone. Speaking of classics, I finally bought Pride and Prejudice  because I’ve become convinced that I will absolutely love it and have to read it right away. I caved and bought Cinder as well (Yes, I know, I’m that crazy person who hasn’t read a single Marissa Myer book yet. Don’t fling food at me, I’m getting there.). I read the first few pages of this one a while ago and even though I liked what I read, I somehow never got around to reading it. Hopefully it will live up to all I’ve heard.

ARCs: Liberty Bay Books’ ARC boxes are truly wonderful things. I was super excited when I found that they had a ton of new 2016 releases in, but I held back and only picked up two. I started And I Darken last night and so far I’m a fan. Both that one and Rebel of the Sands were impulse picks that I chose after reading only part of the synopsis but both sounded so promising and looked so pretty I couldn’t resist.

Library: Apparently I have been extraordinarily impulsive lately because Dream A Little Dream was also a total spur of the moment splurge.l I picked it up on my way to check out, when I was supposed to be getting loads of history books for a paper. I finished it in one night and should have a review up this month.

What should I read next? Have you read any of these? What books ended up on your shelf this week?

Out With The Old, In With The New

Out With The Old, In With The New


Cheers and happy New Year!

2015 was a whirlwind year that unfortunately left me with little time to read non-school books, and even less time to blog. Nonetheless, I hold the highest hopes for 2016 and all of my blogging and reading resolutions.

2016 Resolutions/Goals:

  • Listen to at least one audio book. I have been telling myself I’ll try this for years now. Maybe this year will be different and I’ll actually check it off.
  • Comment on other peoples blogs more often. I am the absolute worst about this and it is something I’ve always felt terrible about. Most of the time I’ll read the post and love it, but then feel like I don’t have anything insightful or important enough to comment other than that I loved it, so I’ll just not comment. Which is stupid, I should be showing my support for other bloggers and sharing the comment love even if it isn’t the most profound comment ever written every single time.
  • Post at least one review every month. School has been so much crazier this year than I anticipated and I haven’t done a very good job of posting reviews regularly so hopefully this reasonably paced goal will become a reality.
  • Finish my purchased TBR mountain. I have this huge stack of books I bought that have been waiting to be read all year since they always get put on the back burner. It’s about time that those poor darlings get read.

5 Favorite Reads of 2015 (In no particular order):

uprootedUprooted by Naomi Novik

Kate from Liberty Bay Books talked me into reading this one and once I got around to finally reading it, I was beyond thankful she convinced me to buy it on the spot. It’s been one of my most recommended books.



Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

This monster of a tale coming out this (new) year was absolutely enchanting, despite it’s length. There are even plans for a sequel to follow up this sweepingly romantic story.



Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett

Blood and Salt was one of the most unique books of 2015 for me and probably one of my all time favorite horror-ish books.




A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas hasn’t let me down yet. ACOTAR gets better each time I re-read it (which is often). It was a blend of all the best things that seems to have landed it on almost everyone’s best of 2015 list.



Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

As I said before, I haven’t been able to go wrong with Sarah J. Maas yet, and I can’t wait to finish up the series. I know, I know, I’m a bit behind the hype, but I can’t get enough of the series all the same.



Any audio book recommendations? What are your bookish resolutions for 2016? Favorite reads from 2015 or books you can’t wait to get your hands on in 2016?

A Truly Epic Tale

A Truly Epic Tale


The Letter For The King

by Tonke Dragt

Sixteen-year-old Tiuri must spend hours locked in a chapel in silent contemplation if he is to be knighted the next day. But as he waits by the light of a flickering candle, he hears a knock at the door and a voice desperately asking for help.

A secret letter must be delivered to King Unauwen across the Great Mountains—a letter upon which the fate of the entire kingdom depends. Tiuri has a vital role to play, one that might cost him his knighthood.

Tiuri’s journey will take him through dark, menacing forests, across treacherous rivers, to sinister castles and strange cities. He will encounter evil enemies who would kill to get the letter, but also the best of friends in the most unexpected places.

He must trust no one.

He must keep his true identity secret.

Above all, he must never reveal what is in the letter…

This is a monster of a book. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started this. Dread set in when I saw it was an almost 530 page medieval knight’s story. That combination just screams, long, slow, and boring.  I read it anyways and was quite shocked at what I found.

Somehow, Dragt manages to make 530 pages of questing interesting and relatively fast paced. I had absolutely no idea it was possible to pack all kinds of action into that many pages of just travel, and I still don’t know how Dragt did it, but I was beyond impressed when I found that I was halfway through and still fascinated.

The plot while action filled, never seemed too dramatic or intense, and was surprisingly, rather simple. It worked really well for the story line and Dragt’s writing and style.

I don’t have much patience for most middle grade and younger seeming books, but I never once felt like I was reading a childish book when I read The Letter For The King. It was fantastically versatile and would be appealing to pretty much anyone with a love of adventure and the time to read all 530 pages.

The characters were endearing and possibly my favorite part of the story, although they seemed rather formal and reserved at times, but I believe most of that impression came from Dragt’s voice and style. All the relationships and people seemed almost sugary sweet with rather similar personalities, but that didn’t strike me until after reading it, and didn’t bother me at the time. The good and evil is very clear cut without a whole lot of gray area or guessing, but somehow that works with the style of the book too.

 Last Thoughts: The Letter For The King is a fantastic yet classic adventure story that jumps off the page. Full of classic heros and villans, danger, friendship, and mystery, it is a tale that speaks to the imagination and appeals to all ages. Four and a half out of five stars.


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December Love Stacks

December Love Stacks

lovestacks (1)

Its finally December and with the holidays coming up, the spirit of giving is in the air and so there is no better time to post another great giveaway. Good luck to you all!

If you’re new to my Love Stacks giveaways, here is a little bit about them: Love Stacks giveaways are monthly giveaways hosted by me, using gently loved ARC copies that are courtesy of Liberty Bay Books. The giveaways are open to entries for the entire duration of the month, and it is possible for an individual to win multiple different month’s prizes. All winners are chosen randomly by Rafflecopter. Winners MUST BE U.S. RESIDENTS.

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Prizes include:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

DON’T FORGET: There are still a few days left to enter in the November giveaway too!

All The Major Constellations

All The Major Constellations


All The Major Constellations

by Pratima Cranse


Format: Paperback

Source: Liberty Bay Books

Expected Date of Publication: November 10th 2015


Laura Lettel is the most beautiful girl in the world. . . and Andrew’s not-so-secret infatuation.

Now he’s leaving high school behind and looking ahead to a fresh start at college and distance from his obsessive crush. But when a terrible accident leaves him without the companionship of his two best friends, Andrew is cast adrift and alone—until Laura unexpectedly offers him comfort, friendship, and the support of a youth group of true believers, fundamentalist Christians with problems and secrets of their own. Andrew is curiously drawn to their consuming beliefs, but why? Is it only to get closer to Laura? And is Laura genuinely interested in Andrew, or is she just trying to convert him?


I have been dying to get this review out to you guys. I read All the Major Constellations all the way back in July and finally get to share my thoughts.

Andrew was a wonderfully lost and snarky soul. In some ways he, as well as some of the other characters, and some events of the book, gave off a little bit of a Perks of Being a Wallflower vibeHe, much like this book, is one of those that you either love or you hate, and I grew to love him. He was a wonderfully flawed character and an extremely interesting narrator because of his occasional tendency to drift towards becoming an unreliable narrator in a sense.

The plot had the perfect amount of complexity and wasn’t as predictable as I’d worried it may end up being. It was a wild ride that was as dramatic as it was entertaining. While it may have been more intense than everyday life is for most people, it didn’t bother me too much because I felt that it addressed some extremely important social and emotional issues.

The book was written with this sort of dry sense of humor woven in. It was very interesting to read and very well done. Some of the issues and the stances on them combined with the dry and sarcastic writing gave it the potential to offend people, if they don’t go into the book with a particular mindset. Personally, I loved that about it and wasn’t offended in the least. I thought it was fantastic how fearlessly and genuinely Cranse wrote and genuinely admire her as an author.

Last Thoughts: I would definitely recommend reading it and if you decide to, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. It is a very unique book and left an impression on me; isn’t a book I’ll be forgetting about anytime soon. Four out of five stars.


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Daughters Unto Devils

Daughters Unto Devils


Daughters Unto Devils

by Amy Lukavics

When sixteen-year-old Amanda Verner’s family decides to move from their small mountain cabin to the vast prairie, she hopes it is her chance for a fresh start. She can leave behind the memory of the past winter; of her sickly Ma giving birth to a baby sister who cries endlessly; of the terrifying visions she saw as her sanity began to slip, the victim of cabin fever; and most of all, the memories of the boy she has been secretly meeting with as a distraction from her pain. The boy whose baby she now carries.

When the Verners arrive at their new home, a large cabin abandoned by its previous owners, they discover the inside covered in blood. And as the days pass, it is obvious to Amanda that something isn’t right on the prairie. She’s heard stories of lands being tainted by evil, of men losing their minds and killing their families, and there is something strange about the doctor and his son who live in the woods on the edge of the prairie. But with the guilt and shame of her sins weighing on her, Amanda can’t be sure if the true evil lies in the land, or deep within her soul.

While I love reading horror, it isn’t often that the written word gets under my skin enough to really freak me out. Daughters Unto Devils however managed to do just that. When I first finished reading it I bluffed until I had myself believing I wasn’t freaked out in the least but as soon as the lights went out I was cowering beneath the sheets.

The character development left a tiny bit to be desired but then again I am a picky little book monger, so I doubt it would be a problem for most. Amanda did grow some especially in her relationship with her sisters, I just expected there to be a bit more, or just for it to be more obvious, because of the dramatic circumstances around her.

I was most impressed with how masterfully Lukavics spun the plot. Just because it is a short book doesn’t mean it has to have a simple plot. Lukavics filled it with the perfect amount of twists and turns, but what impressed me the most was how perfectly she connected all the dots and tied up the loose ends. I’ll admit, there was a moment when I was worried that some parts of the plot were going to be forgotten, but by the final words my mind was completely blown by how it all came full circle. It made my bookworm heart infinitely happy.

Last Thoughts: Daughters Unto Devils is fantastic for a quick, yet horrifying read. Lukavics unflinchingly and expertly tackles profound and relevant social issues then flawlessly combines them with deliciously appaling lore. I would absolutely recommend it and give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Don’t forget that you can enter to win this book and two others in the November Love Stacks giveaway!


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