Stacking The Shelves!

Stacking The Shelves!

I know, I know. I always post this on Saturdays if I post one at all. I promise it is not because the world is ending. (maybe… actually I can’t promise that’s not why, because, contrary to common belief,  I am simple muggle and don’t posses that kind of omnipotence and knowledge.)
While we are on the topic of our imminent deaths and the inevitable death of our planet and life as we know it enjoy this song about our “impending doom”! (It rocks listen to more by Storyman.)

Anyways, back on track sorry, it is actually because I have this thing called a life, and I occasionally get delusional and attempt to live it to the fullest and actually do things and some times those things get in the way of posting on specific days. This is one of those crazy times. Yes, I know I could set it to post automatically but I don’t trust it because it didn’t post like I asked it to one time, since then I haven’t trusted it with such important matters. So here is my rather sizable haul for the week! Link up with Tynga @ Tynga’s Reviews! Don’t forget to comment or share with me your haul in the comments below, on Facebook, via email ect! From Liberty Bay Books’s Treasure Trove:

Both of these sound mysterious, cool, and a little creepy with a heaping side of thrilling, so I’m very excited to start them! Vanishing Season. The Dark Between.
From The Local Library:
Look at that avalanche of loveliness! I am going to try reading The Bear and The Bell Jar as part of my challenge to read an “adult” book every month (or so). The Bear is not really what I’m used to reading but Cait from The Notebook Sisters recommended it so I’m going to give it a whirl, we tend to like a lot of the same books so I trust her judgement! 😉 I’ve been wanting to read The Bell Jar for a while because it sounds very intense and very cool, in White Space the main character Emma, frequently refers to the book and it’s great importance to her, which reminded me that I kind of wanted to read it. I am so flippin’ excited to read The Replacement! The cover is absolutely to die for and the concept sounds too awesomesauce for words! It was on my list of the top 14 books I’m excited to read in 2014 and I’m thrilled to finally get to read it! OCD Love Story and The Princess in The Opal Mask were new to me and I’m not really certain what I got myself into but I am excited to try something a little different from what I’ve been reading lately. By the way isn’t the cover of OCD Love Story ridiculously cute!?! It says ,”I will not stalk that boy” all over it!

Audio Books:

Words in The Dust and Max are steps outside of my “normal zone,” but my mom thought they seemed interesting and since she also has to listen to them I thought I’d give ’em a whirl. Beastly just sounds fun. I have been a bit obsessed with Beauty and The Beast and retellings of it since I read Grim, so I’m very excited to see what this version is like and I’m excited to look at the story from a new perspective! Ah, Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea…yes, I’ve already read it (see my review here) and I LOVED it and wish to have it’s children (not really that’s gross and weird and just no. To me anyways.). I’ll have a lot of time on my hands, and a long car ride so I wasn’t about to pass up the chance to relive the story, share it with my cousin and my mom, and see if the person reading it makes it sound more cool than it did in my head the first time! 

Ok so, because my library is made of awesomesauce, they give you little gifts for reading certain amounts over the summer. Once you’ve read your first 10 hours you get to pick a free book off this special shelf (and you get a ticket to the county fair but who cares about that when you are getting a free book, I mean really. Priorities people! Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the ticket, but I might just appreciate the book a titch more…) So a big shout out thank you to KRL for the book and having such an amazing program going on! I picked I Hunt Killers, because it has been on my TBR list for a while now, and as we established in a previous Stacking the Shelves post, I have a slight obsession with crime and mystery books, movies, TV shows, ect.
So that’s my little pile of heaven I’ve obtained this week! What did you get?

Also, help me decide what to read next! I want to read the library ones first since those come with a due date and I’m saving the audio books for another time, so here are your options…

What next?
The Bear by Clarie Cameron
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Path
The Princess in The Opal Mask by Jenny Lundquist
OCD Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu
The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff free polls 

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